The Buddha Human Agro Research and Training Sansthan, KNOWN AS (BHARAT SANSTHAN). This is a non-profitable organisation and Non –Government organization which was established in 2014. It is an NGO set up in Bihar to promote education among the underprivileged. Every year this foundation helps children and their families. Their welfare projects are about education, women empowerment and healthcare were set up states of Bihar. This foundation startup is by a group of young corporate professionals who come together to bring the light, smile and positive changes in their lives.
The Human Agro Research and Training Sansthan, KNOWN AS (BHARAT SANSTHAN) project focuses on girls’ and women’s education to bring a positive impact on India. The Members of Bharat Sansthan get both financial and academic support.
Its work is based on online/offline platform and provides channels and resources to trusted non-government organizations all over India. It raises funds from Government & non Government orgnisation in India and worldwide after that it deposits all the contributions in the account of trust NGOs. The Prime focus of this organisation is on concern for elders and helping them to improve their knowledge & standard of living . The Organisation is India’s mission is to care of our younger or elders against unemployment.